Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Warfare? Punishment? Pruning?

I just lost all my files today. I had to start over from scratch! Everything is gone! Nothing happened to my laptop physically and I don't know what physically caused this. I also don't know if this is satan and warfare against me or God giving me a message about how I'm approaching things. I have also been reading Secrets of the Vine by Bruce Wilkinson (the same author who wrote The Jabez Prayer) and he talks about how God "prunes" you by taking things away so that you can produce more fruit, just as a farmer would prune or cut away real vines to produce lots of grapes. I know I had spending lots of time on my computer and the files on here were very important to me. I know that I have spent time in prayer and in the prescence of God daily though and I decided that whatever I am lacking I am going to fix. This has also motivated me to spend as much time with Him as I can and I am going to do what I can to be more loving and caring in my marriage and to everyone! I am praying and praying on how to approach this and believing that God will work this out for my good. I am asking everyone to please pray for me that I have strength and I don't give up and I keep pressing on to do the things God desires. Last year I lost my laptop when I was in the middle of trying to get myChristian teen magazine out, It was completely destroyed in a fight with my husband and things never were the same again and I couldn't completely network because of that and eventually lost my magazine because of lack of funds etc. and now I am doing good with writing articles and my book is finished (I am hoping my agent will send me a copy back because I only had a copy on my hard drive!) now this happens. so please pray for me!!


k said...

i'm so sorry telika! that stinks. last night i lost my keys which forced me to spend more time talking to a friend while i was looking for them. a blessing in disguise. God is so clever!

Anonymous said...

sounds like your seeking the lord in all of these set backs,which is pleasing to him,i say press on,and hold your stance,dont give the enemy any credit."romans 8:28" and we know that all things work together for good to those who love God,to those who are the called according to his purpose.nkjv.

Esther said...

Wow! Be prayful I am still in the midst of finishing up my novel that was about 6 months ago. I don’t know why you lost all of your things but I know that sometimes we get so busy that GOD at times will give us a wake up call. Not everything that happens is an attack by Satan. Read Job! God allowed certain things to happen for a reason. "BE still and know that he is God" ask the lord to reveal what he is trying to tell you. God speaks we just have to listen. My son got hit by a car July 4th and there was nothing I could do in the hospital but wait thank God that I have a relationship with him and I don’t just wait until things go wrong. I love to seek his face. I know I must have looked crazy pacing and talking to God but right then and there I did not care what the doctors thought or the ER folks thought. As long as you live there will be attacks on anything you do that has to do with GOD the enemy’s Job! But also remember that our God is a Jealous God and we can’t put anything before him even if we think were not. I started my master’s degree but I am going part time because God has called me to ministry I had to choose I picked what God wants me to do. If I do what God tells me to do first I am sure all that good stuff will follow. Might I recommend when you have time to read “HE came to set the captives free" by Rebecca M Brown. This helped me better understand warfare and what I was going through. I am praying for your family!