November is national novel writing month and to celebrate nanowrimo.com offers everyone a challenge of writing a 50,000 word novel in the month of November. This novel writing marathon is open to everyone and the website keeps track of your word count. If you complete the challenge you will be recognized on the site. I have taken on this challenge as I have had an idea for a novel on my heart for some time now but always had an excuse to put it off. I started it, but then hated my work so stopped it. But this challenge is making me push forward and keep writing no matter how bad I think it is, and just when I don't like where it's going something comes up that I add and I begin to like it again. So I am basically having a relationship with my novel in process. So far I have 4,694 words written. I am busy, but I try to find the time to write at night while my kids are in bed. I find it's very calming. My novel is titled: Out of the Muck and Miry Clay(from Psalm 40) and it's about a young woman who is trying to make her dreams come true and is successful at it but once she becomes saved, her dreams change and she finds out they are better then what she had planned. So pray for my success in this project please and let me know if you sign up as well! God Bless!
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