Hello Everyone! Today is my one year blogiversary!!! yeah!!! Now unlike other anniversary blogs I won't be posting a bunch of links just two: My first Blog written 5/20/2005 which I done about LaShawn Barber the woman who inspired me to do a blog after I heard her speak at the Christian World Journalism Conference in Atlanta and this link of my favorite blogs just in case you want to know all of my favorites over this one year. Anyway, I just want to give a BIG THANK YOU to all my blog readers and for listening to all I write. I really love sharing what's been put on my heart to share and I really believe that none of what I write come from me but from the words of God. Now I am asking something of all of you if you can. Below I am posting a brief survey and I would like for you to fill it out. Send it back either by my e-mail or in the comments! Thank you! And I look forward to writing for more years to come in this blog! God Bless Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. How did you find this blog?
2. What is your favorite read so far?
3. Did you learn anything from this blog?
4. What religion/denomination are you?
5. How old are you?
6. Is there anything you would like for me to write about in the future?
7. Any additional comments would be great.
Thank you!
Below is my Blog stats from sitemeter as of 5/19/06 THANK YOU!
Matthew123 6-37 (sm6telika) -- Site Summary --- Visits Total ........................ 3,800 Average per Day ................. 10 Average Visit Length .......... 0:50 ThisWeek ...............68
Page Views Total ........................ 7,478 Average per Day ................. 17 Average per Visit .............. 1.7 This Week ...................... 117
Well congragulations Sister!! I read your blog from time to time and enjoy your insight even though I don't always agree with you.....of course, that is perfectly fine.....
Bless you...
Okay I didn't see the list so here goes....
1. How did you find this blog?
Through LaShawn Barber...perhaps my favorite Christian Blogger...
2. What is your favorite read so far?
My memory is far to bad for that kind of question....
3. Did you learn anything from this blog?
Mmmmm.......well that I have to be more accepting of brethren that do not always share my political views though your not far from mine .....
4. What religion/denomination are you?
I guess Pentacostal but I do not speak in toungues though that is the Church I go to with my wife....I really consider myself a mainline evangelical christian....
5. How old are you?
6. Is there anything you would like for me to write about in the future?
Mmmm.....how about conspiracy theories that seem to be rife in the Black American community??? I ask that because even up here, my brethren that are Black seem to hold to some outlandish views on Race relations and Aids and really really silly things.......I notice that my African brethren or even Caribean brethren do not hold to such thinking....
Of course I am speaking generally but I would like your insight on that topic.....My dearest friend is an Ex Muslim from Trinidad and he and I both agree that the conspiracy type thinking in the Black Communities in North America is sadly akin to the thinking that is rife in the Islamic world....and that is not a compliment to say the least...
7. Any additional comments would be great.
Keep up the good and honest work...
Devon LOL if you haven't noticed about me I am not political or racial... that blog idea sounds like something more for Lashawn. I enjoy the simplicity of things...what's in the Bible and how we can apply them to our life. Race and conspiracy theories...um I wouldn't know where to begin with that! lol just know that I believe God doesn't see any of us by the color of our skin and he doesn't separate problems that His children has with the color of the skin and when we go to heaven the only thing we will see of each other is what God sees now which is the inside. Thank you for commenting and Visiting my blog!!!!
No problem Sis........your right...my query is more for LaShawn's blog to be sure....
Keep up the good work and interesting writing...
You can NEVER go wrong focusing on Christ in this increasingly dangerous world....
1. How did you find this blog? Young married couples
2. What is your favorite read so far?
Patience is more than a virtue
3. Did you learn anything from this blog?
Each one of us are given a talent according to Gods gifts
4. What religion/denomination are you? Baptist
5. How old are you? 27
6. Is there anything you would like for me to write about in the future? What God places on your Heart its better that way.
7. Any additional comments would be great.
Thank you! May God bless you in all that you Do
Devon LOL if you haven't noticed about me I am not political or racial... that blog idea sounds like something more for Lashawn. I enjoy the simplicity of things...what's in the Bible and how we can apply them to our life. Race and conspiracy theories...um I wouldn't know where to begin with that! lol just know that I believe God doesn't see any of us by the color of our skin and he doesn't separate problems that His children has with the color of the skin and when we go to heaven the only thing we will see of each other is what God sees now which is the inside. Thank you for commenting and Visiting my blog!!!!
Nuff said! keep the good stuff coming! your sister in Christ
Luv ya
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