Thursday, August 25, 2005

I am on the lead

What are we doing with ourselves? God is sending you a tip for you to lead up on. He is sending you certain trials and tribulations to get you ready for what he wants you to do. He is preparing you for your special niche in His kingdom. He wants you to glorify Him with the talents that He has given you. Have you noticed? Are you following the lead or are you too preoccupied by money or gaining possessions? Or are you too busy being angry with your neighbors over politics to notice that one person who has a message for you? Or that one person God has sent your way to help and bless? Do you see the path or have your turned yourself blind to it? Do you see the path but are too afraid to follow it? It ends in riches and glory. It ends in immeasurable blessings. Have faith, use the word of God, listen to the Holy spirits voice, the pastor at church or that nagging feeling you have deep down inside. Follow God's lead.

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