Thursday, December 27, 2007

My Last Blog

I hope everyone had a blessed Christmas! I was thinking about my blog yesterday and what I should write next when I felt in my heart that God was done using me in this avenue. I felt He was telling me to focus on getting my magazine back together for the new year and to focus on getting my books (yes books I have successfully written two Christian novels over the past two years!) published. I just want to thank everyone who read, commented and supported me through this blog journey. I enjoyed passing on what I heard from God as I studied and spent time with Him. I want to thank Lashawn Barber who spoke to my Christian Journalism group and inspired me to start this blog and even though we bumped heads on many issues, I never stopped praying for her and that her walk with Christ is strengthened and blessed. Please go through my back logs of my blog by clicking on the month and year on the left hand side and continue to read and comment on them! I will get the comments and respond back! No blog is too old! I know my blog didn't reach readership and the worldly success of many other blogs but I felt my blog was successful in the sense that I was blessed by e-mails of people telling me how a certain blog I have written helped them in some way or opened their eyes in some way. I know that I am called to reach people through my writing, especially the youth. I also invite everyone to e-mail me for updates about the restoration process of my teen magazine and when my books will be published. I have faith that they will!

Now I just want to end this blog with this last thought: Don't forget about the Bible and hearing from God for yourself. I was reading Enjoying Everday Life Magazine, Joyce Meyer's magazine and she was celebrating that her book, Battlefield of the Mind has sold 2 million copies. There were testimonies of people saying that they don't know what they would've done without the book and how the book changed their lives. Now I am not against buying Christian resources (of course not I want to write myself lol!) But people still have to recognize that all of the answers are in the Word of God and that most Christian books and tapes and preachings all come from the Bible and are clarifications of the scripture, so make sure you don't forget to grab the Bible and read it and hear from God yourself as well. (2 Timothy 3:16)


Friday, December 14, 2007

Throwing Away the Gauntlet for Good

God taught me yesterday that I was just as judgemental as the people I put my effort in trying to write to and teach about just loving and not judging. If you are a regular reader of my blog you may think that sounds strange, seeing that most my blogs are themed against being judgemental. I didn't know it myself, however I realized it and repented.

Let me start from the beginning, I grew up around drug and alcohol use. I'm not going to say exactly who but I was young and around it and I always knew it was wrong. I grew up hating drug and alcohol use and never used drugs or even tried smoking cigarettes. I very rarely drink alcohol and if I do at a celebration or something I don't get drunk. I realized that the people I know that heavily uses drugs and alcohol I have mentally judged. I don't think that I have made it obvious enough but I know it bothered me and I vented about it behind closed doors. I prayed to God for their punishment and proclaimed my hatred for it. It wasn't until yesterday when I was upset because I found out a new certain member of my family has started using drugs and I wasn't invited to her birthday party because she didn't want me to know this about her. I was so angry and threw a private fit to God. "Why God, why do they have to be like that?"

"Like what?" God asked.
"Why does everyone have to be weed smokers! Abolish this sin! Crack the whip Lord, Throw down the gauntlet!"

"It's a sin, yes a sin like everything else."
"Yes Lord I get it, I know I preach that I tell people not to judge but this is drugs! and she's only 20!"
"Pray about her salvation and leave it to me, why are you getting so angry? You still have your problems to work on."

"Because Lord...because....Oh you are right Lord, Praise You Father I need to repent about this."

I continued to pray until the feeling went away. I continued to pray until the pain of my past melted away. I continued to pray for their salvation and for blessings over their lives.

Today I write this blog freer then I have ever felt before. I believe that everyone has that one thing that the devil uses to keep them from praying for people's salvation and blessings. Satan put these dark glasses of judging a certain sin over our eyes to keep us from truly seeing how forgiving and loving God really is. For some Christians it's homosexuality, others it's fornication some it's liars but the truth is it's all sin and all paid for with the blood of Jesus Christ.

John 12:43-50"for they loved praise from men more than praise from
Then Jesus cried out, "When a man believes in me, he does
not believe in me only, but in the one who sent me. When he looks at me, he sees
the one who sent me.
I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who
believes in me should stay in darkness.
"As for the person who
hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge him. For I did not come to
judge the world, but to save it.
There is a judge for the one who rejects me and
does not accept my words; that very word which I spoke will condemn him at the
last day. For I did not speak of my own accord, but the Father who sent me
commanded me what to say and how to say it. I know that his command leads to
eternal life. So whatever I say is just what the Father has told me to

Thursday, December 06, 2007

To People with Problems with Certain Pastors, Teachers, Profits

When I was searching through Christian forums, I came across alot of discussion about certain high profile preachers, teachers, prophets and their imperfections, and most were rejecting their teachings because of that. Just because you may have a problem with certain preacher's wealth, lifestyle, etc doesn't mean that you can ignore their teachings and be judgemental (James 4:12), unloving (John 14:24), and untithing (Malachi 3:8) etc.

Now I could debate the validity of some of these high profile Christian teachers and I can plead for your mercy or prove that they are right or wrong etc but that really isn't the point. No matter what happens or what God's chosen leaders may or may not do you still have the Word of God for yourself. God is perfect and He will never leave, forsake or lie to you. (Titus 1:2-3, Deuteronomy 31:6) So if you doubt a certain Pastor's teaching because of his or her lifestyle then you should learn the Word of God for yourself.

The Bible is the awe inspired living Word of God. If you think you can't understand it alone, pray before you read it and find guide books and a translation that can help you. It's also still good to attend church to help yourself clearly get a message from the Bible that you may have missed. But you can't rely on the pastor's perfection because there is no such thing. You can't rely on a perfect church because there's no such thing. We all need to approach Christianity as a relationship with God and to never forget that. You could attend the worst church in the world but if you have a strong relationship with God, He will still show you what you need to know and He still will help you grow. For an example you can turn on the TV and hear a passage preached in the Bible. If that Word is wrong God will lead you to the right meaning or the right meaning for you in your life as you spend time with Him in His Word.

John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God"